"All Across the Country,
Everywhere You Go,
It's a Natural Wonder,
It's a Beautiful Show."

--Railroad Earth ("Birds of America")

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Great Blue Heron

I really love this bird. I always see these guys alone, near water. They are quite large and stoic and strikingly photogenic:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

American Coot

American Coot - Seattle, WA

A few more random birds...

American Crow - Seatte, WA

Northern Flicker - Seattle, WA
I was so excited when I first saw this bird in our front yard - I thought it was a woodpecker of some sort. It is not, but it is a tree-clinging bird. We see these birds pretty often. They eat from the feeder and forage around on the ground. They are about the size of a crow and have a striking appearance.

Red-Winged Blackbird - Seattle, WA

Red-Winged Blackbird (immature) - Seattle, WA

Gray Jay - Issaquah, WA
This guy is perched on Silvie's hand. The picture was taken on the summit of Tiger Mountain, where the jays get mighty close to people, often pecking seeds from outstretched palms.

Barn Swallow - Seattle, WA
I used to see these guys quite a bit at South Lake Union Park while on my lunch breaks. I would sit on a bench at the edge of a field and watch them flying around in circles, close to the ground, looking for insects. They would swoop down, change directions suddenly, and generally put on a great show.

Oregon Junco - Seattle, WA
I snapped this guy at Lincoln Park in West Seattle. Even though he hopped around for a while at my feet, this was the best shot I got of him.


Barred Owl

I saw this guy in Lincoln Park in West Seattle, hanging out on a low tree branch in a little grove where I used to go quite a bit.

Bald Eagles

When Sil and I lived in West Seattle, I used to see eagles quite often at Lincoln Park. They would be perched on certain tree branches with commanding views of the sound. Once in a while I'd see one swoop out over the water on the hunt. But mostly I'd just see them sitting stoically on the high branches, alone or in pairs.


Mallard (Male) - Bellevue, WA

Mallard pair - Bellevue, WA

Cinnamon Teal - Seattle, WA

Bufflehead - Seattle, WA

American Wigeon - Seattle, WA

Eurasian Wigeon - Seattle, WA


There are dozens of gull species in the world, and here are four that I've photographed:

Herring Gull - Alcatraz Island, CA

Red-Billed Gull - Morro Bay, CA

Thayer's Gull - Seattle, WA

Glaucous-Winged Gull - Seattle, WA
